Case Management Software for Revenue Investigations
Compliance investigators throughout North America are using X-FIRE to help manage compliance, audit and enforcement of fuel, gasoline, tobacco, and transportation tax revenue streams.
Benefits of X-FIRE for Revenue Investigators
Using X-FIRE, revenue inspectors, auditors and investigators can:
- Attach relevant documents to case files
- Search the system to identify repeat offenders
- Create reports for program management and prosecution
- Capture details on issued fines for offenses under various tax laws
- Generate statistical reports pertaining to revenue offenses in a specified period
- Store tips and complaints pertaining to potential tax evasion, easily promoting initial tip (including complainant details) to an investigation file
X-FIRE Uses within Revenue Enforcement
Revenue enforcement bodies are currently using X-FIRE to manage investigations involving:
- Non-compliance to various tax laws
- Non-payment of required taxes
- Laid charges and penalties
- Seized illicit or untaxed products (e.g. tobacco, alcohol)
- Issued tickets for offenses under various tax laws
- Failure to provide mandatory documentation and reports
- The sale or delivery of revenue products without the required permits
- The misuse of tax-exempt products
- Filing fraudulent refunds
To schedule a live, online demonstration of X-FIRE, contact an Agnovi sales representative at